How To Fix Swirls on Gloss Black Plastic from your Land Rover

How To Fix Swirls on Gloss Black Plastic from your Land Rover

Nicky’s brand new Land Rover Discovery came in for a new car protection package.

For the interior protection we used, Swissvax Lotos for the carpets and mats which required 2 coats.

For the Leather we also used 2 coats of Swissvax Lotos. For all other surfaces we of the interior we also used 2 coats of Lotos.

For the paint protection we first had remove a bucket load of scratches from that came from the dealer using OPTIX polishes which is perfect for Land Rover paints before applying OPTIX NANO TECHNOLOGIES OP888 SiO2 Glass coating and then allowing the coating to harden over night. The following morning we applied the OPTIX OP1 over the top of the OP888.

For the wheels we applied the first 2 coats on day 1 and the 3rd coat and day 2 to maximise the strength of coating for the wheels.

The gloss black exterior plastic trim was full of swirls and scratches. Fixing these swirls required correction before the coating, but since the labour was the same as correction we decided that for the extra cost it would be much more beneficial for the customer that we use SunTek protection film because the film would last 5 years and never scratch or chip and for the extra $200 it was well worth it over correction and glass coating.

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